Friday, November 29, 2019

Module 4 free essay sample

All children are different, they all have different abilities at different ages. Therefor we need to ensure we are diverse enough to cater for all the children within the setting. We cater for children aged 2-14yrs at Treasured Tots, we have endeavoured to create an area where theyd all like to be. Surprisingly most f the older children enjoy playing and interacting with the younger children, therefor we have moved our larger tables and chairs into our pre-school room so the older children are able to join the younger children at meal times. As well within the setting we have 2 rooms one which is used mainly for the use of the older children and one for the younger as ensuring we have enough space and different activities for the range of children we care for is key. Children all learn at different rates and are all at different stages of their development, therefor meaning we need to be diverse in the range of activities and materials we have. We will write a custom essay sample on Module 4 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Being an inclusive setting we aid in delivering improved outcomes for all children; closing the achievement gap between disadvantaged children and others, these are both non negotiable as these respect and respond to the childrens entitlements as set out in the UNCRC and other legislations. As well as this, although some people I. e. SENCOs or bilingual support assistants have a particular role to play within this area, everyone working in early years care share collective responsibility, to help all children achieve their full potential, and ensuring that all families feel valued members within the early years community. We achieve inclusive practice by offering care for all children whom wish to attend our setting, offering support to all children and enabling staff to help children overcome barriers, such as language. If we did not design our services around the needs of the children this would hinder their development due to the lack of learning and development facilities for them. Children learn and develop through play and having a facility that did not promote this would mean that the children will not gain the knowledge, risk and materials to develop and learn. Describe how you will promote equality, diversity and inclusion to promote positive outcomes in your new setting. (ref: 030. 4. 2) I will ensure that we are able to include any child whom may wish to join us within our setting. I will ensure we have access arrangements in place for those whom may need it. I will have a SENCO appointed within the setting and will endeavour to work closely with the local authorities and health workers. I will ensure we have access to any courses that may be able to assist me or my colleagues in supporting any children. I will endeavour to look at every child individually and help them to grow and learn in their abilities. These points all promote positive outcomes for the children by delivering improved outcomes for all children, closing the achievement gap between disadvantaged children and others, helps children achieve economic well being. I have been looking at the practical book for pre-schools online and this states what we as pre-schools should be doing to promote equality, diversity and inclusion. It states Early years settings must promote an inclusive society in which every person is fully accepted, respected and valued. This should not be affected by skin colour, disability, social background, gender, religion or belief, or any other factor. All children should be seen as individuals in terms of their learning and development needs. An inclusive approach to education and care means that difference is recognised and celebrated, and that professionals identify and meet any associated needs through their provision. The task for anyone working with young children and their families is to engage with the physical and emotional needs of young children, bearing in mind the child’s racial, religious, cultural background and beliefs. Inclusion and diversity matters because it is a crucial part of our role as early years’ practitioners to secure equality of opportunity for all of the children that we work with. We want every child to be the best that they can be. The Early Years Foundation Stage clearly states that â€Å"All children are entitled to enjoy a full life in conditions which will help them take part in society and develop as an individual†. The common themes here in relation to positive outcomes is that we want the child to reach their full potential, we understand every child is different and therefor their needs and abilities are too. Staff whom work with children have a responsibility to the children to support them effectively. We all endeavour to provide the best possible inclusive individual care to every child ensuring they are able to develop and learn through their time with us. Every child is different and we need to understand why and how. Describe how your room will help development (ref:024. 3. 1) Our room will help children develop as they are learning to develop new relationships and new skills. We will ensure the room is stimulating and attractive as by doing this we encourage their natural curiosity and exploration instincts. Children will be able to access any of the activities and toys throughout their day and will also interact with other children and carers. We will have a diverse range of toys to ensure children are able to grow in their learning. We will have a key worker system in place and ensure we assess childrens abilities. We will initiate activities to help children flourish in areas of learning and development and will allow children to assess their own abilities and offer assistance and support when they need it. The space we have in our room will encourage children to role play and interact with each other, use there physical abilities to move throughout the setting and there own communication to express what they would like or need. We will ensure we have good policies and procedures in place to support the children within our care. These policies and procedures are adhered to by all staff and therefor ensuring they are of excellent quality and standard means the children will receive more effective support and care from the staff.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Zygorhiza Facts and Figures

Zygorhiza Facts and Figures Name: Zygorhiza (Greek for yoke root); pronounced ZIE-go-RYE-za Habitat: Shores of North America Historical Epoch: Late Eocene (40-35 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 20 feet long and one ton Diet: Fish and squids Distinguishing Characteristics: Long, narrow body; long head About Zygorhiza Like its fellow prehistoric whale Dorudon, Zygorhiza was closely related to the monstrous Basilosaurus, but differed from both of its cetacean cousins in that it had an unusually sleek, narrow body and a long head perched on a short neck. Strangest of all, Zygorhizas front flippers were hinged at the elbows, a hint that this prehistoric whale may have lumbered up onto land to give birth to its young. By the way, along with Basilosaurus, Zygorhiza is the state fossil of Mississippi; the skeleton at the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science is affectionately known as Ziggy.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Strategic Human Resource Management - Essay Example A business strategy no matter how good it is, will succeed without the contribution of people. A proper analysis of data collected from human capital can help an organisation in developing business strategy process. In majority of the organisation people is regarded as the most important asset. To create value, an organisation has the task of utilising the knowledge, skills and also abilities of its people. Intangible value that is present in an organisation is its people. The HR personnel therefore have a greater task of managing the people of an organisation. An organisation will be able to achieve its objectives in the business front if strategic HRM is considered as a contributor in business strategy (CIPD, 2009). The case study is about Kazamy Manufacturing, a company having their business in both manufacturing and sales operation. Kazamy is different from other Japanese plants in this regard as most of them are involved only in manufacturing operation. Kazamy has established itself as one of the leading companies in Europe. It focuses on building a cordial relationship with their customers and also they enable their human resources i.e. their staffs to have a say in their marketing policy. Kazamy has given great importance to their manpower resources and utilised their knowledge and qualities in developing the company further. HR director of Kazamy joined in 1986. Since then he along with other members of kazamy hierarchy has worked hard in establishing their position in their business sector. Kazamy followed a strong HR philosophy. They didn’t want a traditional factory which is already present in UK. Their major policies were developed by the use of two principles. They firstly didn’t want to create a prototype Japanese plant existing in the rural Midlands area; secondly they strongly wanted to manage their manpower resource without the influence of any trade union. They valued

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance Essay - 1

Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance - Essay Example They consider all this to create an enabling environment that favors their objectives (Jaiswal, 2013). The Standards of the Auditors Ready Ratios (2013) asserts that in the 21st century the European Union came up with an outline of how the auditors should conduct themselves. The outline consisted of the law that stated and guaranteed matters concerning the freedom of the assessors of the law (Kumar & Sharma, 2006, p.134). This was similar to the laws that govern the accountants. It is said that the accountants were given their laws that govern their operations. They were given by the internal profession of the accountants (Knapp, 2010, p.204). In order to promote the equality in the people and all the other professions the European Union issued a framework that was to govern the legal analyst (auditors) and ensure that they were in line with their operation, expectations and their rights. Even though, this did not concur with some stipulations from the international federation of acc ountants. This is because the accountants were entitled to some fundamental freedom and rights that ought not to be compromised. And each accountant had an obligation of independence and doing the right thing. The directives the European Union gave, differed with the directives the international ethics for accountancy (Buijink et al., 1996, p.66). According to Sharma (2012, p.14), the differences were seen and they did expect the law auditors to operate within their stipulations. In giving their outline, the union for accountants had in mind the idea of public interest. They were interested in the good of the people. But in essence the European Union found the laws quite strict for the auditors to withstand (Puttick et al., 2008, p.56). So it was a two way drive. If the law analyst happens to execute their duties within the provisions of the international accountants, the result will be a stronger system in the operation. This is because there were quite stricter provisions. And if they do there duties in the boundaries of the stipulations of the European Union, they will be bound to some freedom (Basu, 2010, p.134). Discussion According to Greene (2005, p.11), a debate about the freedom of the person when conducting and assessing the legal issues forms the basis of the story. It is from this that the general theme of the work is, â€Å"the obligation of auditing†. This discussion is majorly rotating about this question. The title about the auditor being independent comes out from the following discussion (Morris et al., 2009, p.309). Some of the good principals are now in place and should be in mind of the any auditor or accounting profession. Whenever the auditing is to happen, the outstanding statute is the objective of the auditor. In order to show the public, the people moderating and using the audit opinions in particular, the auditor is supposed to be independent. Before entering an agreement with the client; the auditor should ensure a peaceful environment and his independence (Volosin, 2008, p.14). According to Gupta (2004, .1247), the European Union argues that, by defining the key audit partner, it does not

Monday, November 18, 2019

NAS Airlines Proposed Marketing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

NAS Airlines Proposed Marketing Strategy - Essay Example The company has the capacity to evolve to a hybrid operation model with business class seating. The airline company serves 13 domestic destinations and 11 international destinations. Some of the international destinations include the Sana’a route to Yemen in 2009, direct route to Kochi and Kozhikode, India in 2010, Sharm el Sheikh and Assiut in Egypt, in Turkey the airline started services in 2011 in Istanbul, Antakya, and Adana. The company started its services in Karachi and Lahore in Pakistan in 2011,and in 2013 started operations in Dammam and Yanbu in Khartoum, Sudan (Saudi Arabia Tourism Report 33). The company has recently introduced Global Flights program to offer low cost rates between flights in Jeddah and other regions in Asia, Europe or Africa. The launch of Jeddah-London Gatwick services enabled the firm to become the first low-cost carrier to provide service in United Kingdom market. Flynas is the leader of lost cost carrier in Saudi airline since it sets a new s tandard of efficiency in the region. This year the company has had some key developments that include the launch of global flights route program from Jeddah to London and a daily service between Jeddah and Abha to support the increasing capacity of the domestic routes that will drive economic growth in major cities in the kingdom. The expansion program has been possible since the firm has added 3 airbus aircrafts fitted with business economy cabins that amount to a major leap for the firm in the airline industry. Saudi Arabia Tourism Report Q4 2012 (3) says that Saudi Arabia’s FlyNas ends the domestic monopoly market strategy and currently aims to break in the international circles like other airlines. The low cost operator has managed to launch flights between Riyadh-Gatwick and has plans to build long haul operation from the kingdom. In 2014, the company has been successful in the establishment of flights to Kuala Lumpur, Manchester, Surabaya, Casablanca, and Jakarta

Saturday, November 16, 2019

History About Wifi Technology Information Technology Essay

History About Wifi Technology Information Technology Essay ABSTRACT In many of the industrial sectors, the wireless networking technologies are gaining rapid approval because of its cost effectiveness, improved reliability and flexibility. The increase in the wireless networks is one of the technological advances that are having a major impact on the way we do business [10]. This paper refers how Wi-Fi technology is organized and some of its applications and advantages over customary means. It also explores how Wi-Fi technologies communicate in the spread spectrum and also its configurations. The Wi-Fi refers to the 802.11b wireless Ethernet standard that was designed to support the wireless LANs. The essential enabling technology is the Wi-Fi technology and it is the only practicable infrastructure for the home which allows the user to extend their networks for home entertainment. The most popular user access technology is the Wi-Fi (WLAN/IEEE 802.11) because of its high bandwidth and low cost. Keywords: Wireless Fidelity, Wi-Fi, WLAN, wireless technologies, IEEE 802.11a/b/g, spread spectrum, configurations. Introduction In the recent years only, the wireless technology has grown rapidly which allows the users more reliable, effective and can access the internet without using the wire. Wireless networks are more effectively used in many applications such as home entertainment, offices, radio, military areas and public places. The term wireless does not mean the disturbance or group of switches. Wireless means the communication without the use of wires other than the antenna, the Ethernet, and the ground taking the place of wires [2]. For several industrial operations, wireless technology affords cost-effective and effective connectivity solutions. Using the wireless technology there are many benefits such as remote facilities, processes and field operation which results in improving productivity, downtime, faster and more accurate data collection. The term Wi-Fi technology is also referred as Wireless Fidelity. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE) is the association liable for setting the standards on how the technology and products works, operate and communicate [3]. The 802.11 technology standards, better known as Wi-Fi technology and it is being set up into the Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) equipment and Local Area Network (LAN) access points to quickly connect computer to LANs and as well as internet service providers. The 802.11 standards are growing to supply a higher data rates and better quality of service. Wireless LANs operates on two frequencies such as radio wave and infrared. In the past decades, the wireless access point has come into the market with infrared but in todays world the radio frequencies are used most popularly. The advantage of the radio wave frequency is more penetrate through the walls, floors and doors but whereas the infrared device is on line of sight. Wi-Fi netwo rk connect computer to each other to the internet and to the wired network. 1.2 History of WLAN A WLAN is a local area network without wires and whereas a wired network in which the clients send/receive the data through the cables. The wireless network uses a radio wave frequency. As part of the large family of the spread spectrum systems, the Wi-Fi technology uses single carrier direct-sequence spread spectrum radio technology and multi-carrier OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) radio technology. In 1985, the unlicensed spread spectrum was first approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) [5]. In all major countries, these FCC regulations were later copied with enabling some changes in the use of this technology and these regulations were then enabled the growth of Wi-Fi technology according to requirements such as offices, online games and so on. In 1991, the Wi-Fi technology was invented by NCR corporation/ATT (later Lucent and Agere systems) in Nieuwegein, the Netherlands. Initially for the cashier systems, the first wireless product were brought on the market which is marked as WaveLAN with speeds of 1Mbits/s to 2Mbits/s. Vic Hayes, who was the first discoverer of the Wi-Fi and later has been named as Father of Wi-Fi, was involved in designing standards such as 802.11a/b/g. Wireless LANs communicate via the 2.4 GHz or 5GHz band with the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) radio bands where cordless phones, instant monitor and other personal device can also operate. According to Mr. Phil Belanger of the Wi-Fi Alliance contradict the most popular conclusion that Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity [5]. 1.3 Benefits of WLAN A new way to communicate with the user is through the WLANs while accommodating the way business is done. The following are the benefits achieved through WLANs: Mobility within building. Flexibility Lower cabling costs To set up temporary spaces, it is easier Productivity gains Reduced errors Improved efficiency Improved performance, efficiency and security for enterprise partners and guests Easier to collaborate Easier adds, moves and changes and lower support and maintenance costs More efficient use of office space. Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) Technology The IEEE 802.11 standard was projected for the WLANs. To handle the networking the short way for Wi-Fi is the wireless. Wi-Fi is easy to access and it is very simple to connect to computer anywhere in the office or homes without the use of wires. Using the radio signals the computer connects to the network. In 1997, the first standard (802.11) was released and works in the frequency band at 5GHz with the data rate of 54Mbits/s and uses the OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) modulation [4]. The Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) is the media access method. The term 802.11.x terms is used to donate the set of amendments to the standard. Within the scope of one building and one room, we can connect to the wireless to the restricted signal range (indoor range is approximately about 1m). skhema Figure 1: Internet connection with wire and without wire (Wi-Fi) At present, the best values of the bit rate have a networks designed accordance with the 802.11n standard that has the typical raw data rate of 540Mbits/s [3]. Wi-Fi network operates in the unlicensed with the 2.4 and 5GHz radio bands, with 11Mbps (802.11b) or 54Mbps (802.11a) data rate or some of the products have dual bands. Wi-Fi network uses radio technologies to transmit and receive the data at high speed. IEEE 802.11 is available in three modes- 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g. IEEE 802.11a/b/g actually describes three different wireless Ethernet standards which are currently implemented in industrial applications as well as commercial applications. These three alternatives are based around the same physical layer of the OSI model and it also defines the bands on what the wireless network is used and also defines the modulation technique. IEEE 802.11 standards include Wi-Fi, W-LAN and Wireless Ethernet. IEEE 802.11a: This standard operation is used in OFDM which operates at a frequency of 5GHz band and thereby allowing the raw transmission data rate up to 54Mbps. It is introduced in 2001. For this band, some of the countries have other uses such as military and air traffic control, so therefore this band is not globally accepted and to be used in the ISM applications. But in some cases, this band can be used inside the building with limited power. In the U.S, the band 5GHz is treated as other 900MHz and 2.4GHz ISM bands. One advantage of the IEEE 802.11a is that it operates with same data rate (54Mbps) as IEEE 802.11g but it escapes sometimes due to crowded with the 2.4GHz channels. Less interference in the 5GHz band appears means the potential for more reliable transmission. The theoretical speed of this standard is 54Mbps but the raw transmission rate of this standard is in between 15-20 Mbps. The range of this standard is 50-75 feet. This is not compatible with 802.11b and it is more expensive . IEEE 802.11b: This standard was implemented in 1999, uses 2.4GHz band with the DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) modulation. The maximum transmission rate of this standard is 11Mbps within 30m range. It is most popular and least expensive. But the actual speed of this standard is 4-6 Mbps. The range of the wireless is 100-150 feet. The subsection of this standard is called Wi-Fi. IEEE 802.11 g: The OFDM technology of 802.11a is adopted in this standard and which is globally accepted with 2.4GHz band. Using the OFDM technique these data rates increased to 54Mbps over the air. It is important that 802.11g is compatible backwards with 802.11b. But this standard is more expensive so prefer to go for the least expensive and better performance which is 802.11b. Components of Wi-Fi: In order to access the Wi-Fi, we require some of the components such as adapters, access point, Wi-Fi antenna, Wi-Fi Bridge, PCI cards that accept wireless PC cards and external USB wireless NICs. The following are the component figures: accecpoint.jpg Figure 2: Access Point Figure 3: Adapters wifi antena.jpg wifi bridge.jpg Figure 4: Wi-Fi Antenna Figure 5: Wi-Fi Bridge Figure 6: PCI cards that accepts wireless PC card Figure 7: External USB wireless NICs How Wi-Fi network works? Wi-Fi network uses the radio waves to communicate each other among devices. The basic concept of the Wi-Fi network is same as the walkie talkies. An access point to the internet connection can be installed through the Wi-Fi hotspot. This access point acts as base station. With this access point, an antenna is physically connected to conventional wired Ethernet network and serves as a bridge to the wireless network. A device encounters the hotspot when the Wi-Fi is enabled and the device can connect to that network wirelessly. Between the client systems, the Wi-Fi can also support communication and allowing the devices to communicate with one another during the peer-to-peer method. A Wi-Fi 802.11b typically can transmit the maximum data rate up to 11Mbps with an approximation range of 150 feet. Beyond that distance, the signal fallback very slow up to 5.5 Mbps, 2Mbps and 1Mbps and this slower speed can move the signals as far as 1500 feet. The actual performance of the network depends upon the signal pattern and the number of obstacles in the area. To indicate the wireless within the area, an access point itself announces through broadcasting, a Service Set Identifier (SSID) approximately 10 times per second. The SSID indicates the name of the network. PCs that are within the range and has equipped with wireless network interface card can receive the SSID, associate with WLAN and request an IP address that will allow them to connect to the local network, surf the internet and view network folders [4]. Wi-Fi Network Topologies Access Point (AP) in the Wi-Fi may vary greatly depending upon their cost but in some of the cases these AP gives selection for roaming where the wireless clients can switch from one AP to another. There are three kinds of network topologies. AP (Access Point)-based topology (Infrastructure Mode) Peer-to-Peer topology (Ad-hoc Mode) Point-to-multipoint bridge topology. AP-Based Topology: Access Point (AP) is the wireless component through which the client can communicate. Access point is the device that contains standard IEEE 802.11 conformant MAC and PHY interface to the wireless medium and provides access to the distribution system for associated stations. Through an AP, BSA-RF (Basic Service access is the area of the radio frequency (RF)) coverage is provided. ESA (Extended Service Access) consists of two or more BSA. In order to allow the roaming, ESA cell consists of 10-15% overlap. The following figure shows the AP-based topology [9]. Figure 8: AP-Based topology Peer-to-Peer Topology: In this topology, the access point is not required. Within the cell, the client devices can communicate directly with one another. This topology is useful in setting up the wireless network very quickly and easily. The following figure shows the peer to peer method. Figure 9: peer-to peer method Point-to-multipoint bridge topology: This type of topology is used in buildings from one to another building apart within the miles. This is required to connect a LAN in one building to a LANs in another building. A clear line of sight is achieved among buildings under these conditions. Based on the type of antenna and wireless bridge used the line-of-sight range varies and as well as in environmental conditions. The following figure shows the point to multipoint bridge topology Figure 10: point-to-multipoint bridge topology Access Point and Wireless Card are the two ways that can use for the networking. Ad-hoc: In this method, the entire wireless cards are used from peer-to-peer network and there is no access point (AP). Infrastructure: All wireless cards connect to the central access point that provides them connectivity with each other as well as wired network [1]. Wi-Fi Configurations A Wi-Fi network is very simple and can be easily set up to the homes and offices that allow the network to share the files, printer and so on. Figure 11: Wireless network set up The public Wi-Fi hot spots are rapidly becoming common in airports, business, hotels, libraries and so on. Wi-Fi Security Security is one of the first disquiet of people deploying a wireless LAN, the 802.11 has addressed the issue through providing what is called WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). The main concerns of the users are that an intruder would not be able to access the network resources through similar wireless LAN equipment and be able to capture the wireless LAN traffic (eavesdropping). There are two primary components which are required for Wi-Fi network security to be broken down. Authentication Privacy There are two types of authentication is required: first is user authentication and second is server authentication. Authentication means keeping the unauthorized users off from the network. In user authentication server, the username and password is required. This authentication has a risk as well as a solution in sending the data. The risk one is the data is send before the secure channel is established and level to passive eavesdropping by attackers. The solution for this is, before sending the username and password, encrypted channel is established. Secondly in server authentication, the digital certificate is used and within the client software the validation of the digital certificate occurs automatically. Wireless Protected Access (WPA) is a standard based specification, interoperable security enhancement that strongly increase the level of data protection and for existing access control and future wireless LAN systems. Wi-Fi Applications Wi-Fi technology is simple and easy to access the network without the wire. At present, the Wi-Fi is most popular technology that has been used in the market. There are several applications through the Wi-Fi technology. It is used at homes, office, small businesses, large corporations and campuses, health care, wireless ISP (WISP) and travellers. Advantages and Disadvantages of Wi-Fi Advantages of Wi-Fi: It allows the LANs to be set up without cabling and also it reduces the costs and expansion of the network. Wi-Fi network support roaming such that a laptop can move from one access point to another. Wi-Fi is global set of standards. Mobility Ease of installation Reliability and Flexibility Security Use unlicensed part of radio spectrum Disadvantages of Wi-Fi: It can access to limited range. Higher power consumption The most common wireless encryption standard, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) has been broken even if the correct configuration is set up. Interference Typically, Wi-Fi Access Point is set to default to an open (encryption-free) mode. Conclusion: In the past few years, the Wi-Fi technology is growing very rapidly in the rural development areas. In the rural areas, the technology has been helped the consumers in receiving the high speed internet service. All through urban environment the Wi-Fi hot spots are becoming more popular. When the Wi-Fi technology has brought up to the rural and urban areas the broadband internet access price has been drive down. According to the various industrial applications, the network connectivity for the industrial wireless solution provides that is cost effective and efficient. To ensure the reliability of wireless connectivity and safety of industrial operations, a hazardous area classification is necessary that provides the redundant links radio. Currently, there are several standard-based wireless technologies that are used for the industrial applications for the field sensors networking such as ISA100, WHART and ZigBee. Wi-Fi technology is simple and easy to deploy to the network. The IEEE 802.11 is the standard used for the Wi-Fi hot spots. With appropriate security features, industrial hardware and industrial interface products, Wi-Fi technology has a certain association of commercial technology, based on the 802.11 technology and is becoming a solution for many industrial communications and networking.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Canyon - GMC’s Ultimate Compact Truck :: essays research papers

The Canyon - GMC’s Ultimate Compact Truck The Canyon is GMC’s ultimate compact truck. The truck itself comes in three different types: regular cab, crew cab, and king cab. One particular canyon, for example, is a regular cab pick-up. It can be any color the potential buyer desires. Dark red is the most common color, and a light gray interior usually comes included in the package. Its sleek design provides for minimal wind resistance, and there is a lot of space in the cab. It has a liner installed in the bed, decent rims, and standard hub- caps. There is a little Jesus fish that has been glued on to the tail- gate for decoration. The cab has a newly installed radio/CD player and the standard speakers are decent. The side mirrors are large and it really helps increase the drivers’ visibility, when driving. The tires, however, are sub-standard, but apart from that this truck is a grade A machine. Impressions and messages that people get from objects tell them many things about what its there for, why is it like that, what are the owners tastes, and so on and so forth. This particular canyon (that one mentioned earlier) is a dark red color. This color exudes confidence, endurance, friendliness, and intelligence. The attitude, that the color impresses upon people is a lay back and take it easy attitude. There is a saying that goes along the lines of â€Å"The covering reflects on what is within†. This saying refers to a person’s possessions, and how they are kept, and that reflects upon what kind of person the owner really is. Same thing applies to the truck. The sporty design shows that the driver has some sense of style, and it also hints at the powerful engine under the hood. The standard rims and hub -caps show that the owner is comfortable with what they look like, and it also shows what kind of person he/she is. They are practical, and they think, why waste money on rims? When they could be spending their money on more useful things. The flashy, styling front of the truck gives off a charisma of coolness and intelligence. The front design just shows people how the designers put their imagination and skill to the test. It shows in their work that they have a lot of class and style. The overall design is so enticing that people who might see the truck and look for the logo to see who made it.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Conservation in the Peak District National Park

Conservation in the Peak District National Park involves more than preventing damage and leaving the countryside alone. Management is needed to maintain the variety and interest of the landscape. This involves * Looking after the best features of the landscape, eg well maintained moorland and listed buildings. * Improving neglected features eg rebuilding stonewalls and replanting woodlands. * Managing development so that damage is limited eg building and recreation activities. (2) Extent of Activity Now English Nature has designated 3.4% of the Park as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). These SSSI's cover 23,862 hectares of the Peak District. In these areas, manages must consult English Nature before making any changes which would adversely affect the Nature Conservation interests. The Derbyshire Dales National Nature Reserve includes parts of 5 limestone dales and is managed by English Nature. Country Wildlife Trusts manage reserves totalling 300 hectares. (3) Policies Governing Activity Many organisations are involved in the Peak District National Park these are, * English Nature- the official body responsible for promoting nature conservation nationally. * English Heritage- responsible for archaeology and the built environment. * Peak Park Joint Planning Board- they formulate the conservation policy for the Peak Park. * National Trust, RSPB, Wildlife Trusts- are all also involved with the decisions about the Park. The forestry commission and water companies own large areas of the Peak Park. (4) The Benefits/Importance of Conservation Conservation protects the land from being eroded by overgrazing and tourism. As well as this it monitors development so no unsuitable buildings are built which may spoil the traditional settlements and landscape within the Park. Conservation helps to protect wildlife in particular rare species, which may only be found within the Peak Park. For e.g. Grouse and Sphagnum moss. Conservation protects the characteristics of the Park by encouraging farmers to carry out traditional activities, such as dry stone walling. All of this means that as many people can enjoy the Park as possible but most importantly it's beauty can be viewed by future generations. (5) The Future In the next 50 years we would like to see a continue in the protection of the Peak Park as a living and changing environment. However in order for the park to fulfil it's main aim, which is to show the diversity of life, to provide a beautiful place for city dwellers to visit and to limit development in order to sustain the natural environment restrictions on certain activities must be enforced. We would like to discontinue the use of quarries, as quarrying causes unnecessary noise and air pollution and causes great scars in the natural landscape, which can never be totally repaired. As this is not appropriate as a large majority of Britain's limestone and Fluorspar is provided from the Peak Park, we would not allow any NEW quarries to be started. We would like to limit tourism to such a degree that erosion and damage caused by recreation would be stopped, however once again this would not be possible. It would be more reasonable to limit tourism to certain areas, which may be maintained when required or a small charge in place in order to repair any damage caused. The small roads and villages were not made for the amount of traffic, which is currently running along them. So many cars cause much pollution, which is likely to affect the quality of air. For this we would like to introduce a ban on private transport and would like to see an improvement in park and ride schemes and public transport! The traditional activities of current farmers should be maintained to show the culture of the county side and the slower pace of life. Fertilisers should be positively rejected as these would soon damage the delicate balance of the current Peak Park. Small developments are fine but any major ones, which would spoil the natural feel of the Peak Park, should not take place. We must strive to provide a beautiful place for people from cities to visit and enjoy, however at present it seems that people are wrecking the very place they have come to admire!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Biography of Frida Kahlo †Political Science Essay

Biography of Frida Kahlo – Political Science Essay Free Online Research Papers Biography of Frida Kahlo Political Science Essay Frida Kahlo was born in 1907 in Coyocan, Mexico to a Jewish immigrant family. Her family basically consisted of her father, Guillermo, her mother, and her sister, Cristina. Her father was a famous photographer and her mother, Matidle, a strict Catholic, Frida’s father favored her over his other child. When Frida contracted polio at the age of five, Guillermo was the one who devoted his time to helping her try and recover. Even though he went through hours of strenuous exercises with her, she still ended up with a shriveled right leg. In 1925, Frida was in a horrible bus accident. A trolley car crashed into the bus she was on, sending people flying in every direction. Frida was found with a metal pole protruding from her stomach. At the hospital the doctors discovered that she also had a fractured pelvis, a dislocated shoulder, broken ribs and a shattered leg and foot. The accident would change her life forever. She paints a lot of self-portraits of her looking broken. I am not sick. I am broken. But I am happy as long as I can paint. My painting carries with it the message of painPainting completed my lifeI believe that work is the best thing. Frida met her husband, Diego while working on a mural in Mexico City. He was much older than her but they hit it off. They both had communist beliefs. In 1992 Frida (24) and Diego (42) got married in a courthouse in Coyocan. She got pregnant but had an abortion because her body could not handle a pregnancy. She also had many miscarriages over her life. She expressed her pain through her artwork. A lot of it portrays very bloody and gruesome childbirth. In 1930 the couple went to America. During her time in the states she was overshadowed by Diego’s artwork. People just knew her as his wife that stayed by his side. Frida continued working during this time and even though it never got exposed until recently it was very insightful and deep. A lot of it has Diego somewhere on the canvas. Sometimes he is displayed in her forehead or near her heart. She loved him but resented him a lot too. She expressed both sides. I suffered two grave accidents in my life. One in which a streetcar knocked me down..The other accident is Diego. And Being the wife of Diego is the most marvelous thing in the world. I let him play matrimony with other women. Diego is not anybodys husband and never will be, but he is a great comrade. They went back to Mexico in 1933. They were not exactly a happily married couple. They both had many affairs. Frida had affairs with famous author Georgia O’Keefe and Leon Trotsky, an exhiled Russian of many others. She was a known bisexual. Frida said , OKeefe was in the hospital for three months, she went to Bermuda for a rest. She didnt make love to me that time, I think on account of her weakness. Too bad. In light of her affair with Georgia O’Keefe. The last ten years of Frida’s life was more relaxed than the rest. She taught students at an art institute in Mexico. She had newly found medical problems with her spine that put her back in a hospital bed where she continued to paint. In the year 1953 Frida and her hospital bed where transported to the National Institute of Fine Arts in Mexico City. That raised a few eyebrows but Frida liked to get that kind of reaction. That was her first solo art exhibition. Frida Kahlo died in 1957 at the age of 47. Because Frida had tried at suicide and not been successful people rumored that it was a suicide. She had had a very painful life. She underwent over 30 surgeries throughout her lifetime. She last thing she wrote in her diary was I hope the leaving is joyful and I hope never to return. Citation: biography for frida kahlo at the hammond gallery. Retrieved Apr. 06, 2003, Research Papers on Biography of Frida Kahlo - Political Science EssayPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationCapital PunishmentThe Spring and AutumnThe Fifth Horseman19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Hockey GameEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenWhere Wild and West Meet

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Saginaw MI essays

Saginaw MI essays Welcome to my hometown of Saginaw, Michigan. I loved growing up in this great city and so did my family. Saginaw has an abundance of history with its lumber, automobile plants, and shipping. I chose a website by the name of Saginaw County, Michigan. It has the best accuracy of all the websites that I looked at throughout the infoseek search engine. A corporation by the name of Multimag Michigan maintains this site. They have a lot of sites about the different cities throughout Michigan and since Saginaw has lots of history to go along with it, they chose to write an article on it too. The authors of the site go into some good detail about the history of Saginaw. It's not quite as good as a novel, but it gives you a good base and some very interesting facts that you might not know. Since the corporation that made the site is widely known and does lots of research about the state, they are very creditable. Everything that was stated on the pages, including the links, was accurate to my knowledge and I've done reports on our city in the past. All the information within the site was about Saginaw, Michigan. There were links on the side of the homepage to go to other sites, but it mostly had to do with Saginaw. The authors showed an abundance of photo shots of historical buildings and places throughout the site. The site was easy to understand, the information was clear, and it was easy to move within the site. There were some quick access hyper-links to other sites that had to do with Saginaw and there was also internal links to other pages that were about Saginaw. All in all, I believe that this was a fun site to learn from because it was easy to move around, and it was accurate. I enjoy learning about history and this was a great site to do it from, especially since it was about my hometown, in which I already have some knowledge about. I liked how it discussed the lumber, fur tradi ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The reasons that lead Middle Eastern students to study outside their Research Paper

The reasons that lead Middle Eastern students to study outside their country - Research Paper Example I had an opportunity to interview some of the students and this is how they responded. The first said, â€Å"U.S has the best universities in the world and I wish to get a job and stay in the U.S. The other student responded by saying that â€Å"I choose to study abroad especially in U.S because I want to improve my English language skills.† The last student responded, saying, â€Å"Because I want to study a particular major that is not offered by our school back home.† This was a face to face discussion with the students. Apart from the above mentioned reasons, there are others reasons too that make these students to study outside their country. The University of Texas at Austin lists different reasons why students study abroad. â€Å"You will get to know another culture first-hand. Personally experiencing another country will allow you to expand your understanding of its culture beyond the surface-level differences in food, language, and appearances.† (University of Texas 1) The website indicates that the students who study abroad choose to do so since it gives them a chance to experience many challenges and gain new experience. It also argues that the students who study abroad have the chances to make new friends and contacts around the world. They also get an opportunity to meet other international students. (University of Texas 1) A survey conducted by four researchers, Anne West, Apostolis Dimitropoulos, Audrey Hind and John Wilkes indicated different reasons why students study outside their countries. They conducted a face to face dialogue with the students and the responses varied. This information is in the education-line database. Some students in the questionnaire said that they wanted to study abroad to improve their chances of being employed. Others argued that they just studied for fun. Others said that they wanted to study abroad particularly in the US and UK because they believed the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Behavioral, Cognitive, and Constructivist Theories of Learning Essay

Behavioral, Cognitive, and Constructivist Theories of Learning - Essay Example Learning has always played an important role in the lives of human beings. It is only because of learning that human kind is able to enter the recent boosting of technological development. For learning, human kind has always developed certain methodologies and learning theories that can be employed for successful learning. The learning theories that are quite well known are behaviorism, constructivism and cognitivism. Learning can be assessed by the transformation of a person, which is considered by all the above mentioned theories. The learning theories of behaviorism, constructivism and cognitivism regard knowledge as acquirable and identify various ways with the help of which, a person is able to learn in this world. This paper takes into consideration the critical features of behavioral, constructivist and cognitive theories of learning. According to the learning theory of behaviorism, the knowledge that a person keeps or attains by means of experience or rationality can be assessed by means of change of behavior (Gredler, 2005). When a person attains knowledge, his/her behavior changes with the acquisition of knowledge. The behaviorism philosophy can be defined as a philosophy that deals with the transformation of behavior as an indication of learning (Vaill, 1996). Therefore, in behaviorism learning theory deals with the transformation of behavior of an individual as a sign of his/her learning. Learning theory of behaviorism regards learning as wholly external. The behaviorist theory of teaching is more concerned to theoretical knowledge and the teacher divides the learning tasks into chunks and then instructs the students to learn the divided tasks one by one (Vaill, 1996). The teachers’ skills are needed in terms of direct teaching in the behaviorist theory. The students are not only taught but they are also asked to do practice that